Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Newsletter Illustration, 2024

Deciding on what exactly to do this year proved a difficult decision for me. In years gone by the imagery flowed with greater ease, or I already had an image waiting in the wings. Starting around Thanksgiving, after mulling it over for a couple weeks, or so, I finally decided on sharing something that goes well beyond the Christian mainstream. A concept that is alluded to briefly in the Bible, that has an expanded meaning due in no small part to the Book of Mormon and modern prophetic revelation. This Christ centered idea of the Tree of Life is deeply meaningful to me and my family. Every Christmas, not only do I share the story of the nativity, but I also include Nephi's vision of the Tree of Life and its meaning. The ideas engendered in his vision of our Lord and the Tree have become inseparably welded into my heart and mind whenever I see a Christmas tree. For me the Christmas tree is a symbolic representation of the Tree of Life pointing us to God through the living Messiah, even Jesus Christ.

The first part of this post will be about the process and tools I used to create the illustration. If you are willing to stick around, the second half will be a more in-depth explanation of the meaning behind the illustration.

Monday, October 28, 2024

An Epic Play Mat

At the beginning of October my youngest son approached me with a task of creating an illustration for a playmat. Essentially this is like a mouse pad, only larger. It will be rolled up, then unrolled, when he is ready to do some serious card gaming.

I accepted the challenge. Before I even began, he came up with a mood board and instructions for the playmat. I love how he used a little typographic hierarchy to tell me what is most important about the illustration. 

Together we figured out I needed to produce an illustration 24 inches wide by 14 inches deep. 

With that, I dove into creating this. To expedite the speed in which this would be produced, I chose to use a combination of AI image generation, compositing techniques, using Affinity Photo, and digital illustration where needed.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Bison Study Aug 2024


Final Digital painting by Aaron Thorup. Purchase a Print.

I started this particular study sometime last year. A good friend gave me an art book called Painting Wildlife TEXTURES Step by Step, by Rod Lawrence. This book highlighted using a technique of gradually layering the paint to build up the details. The idea of applying the same techniques to a digital painting intrigued me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Canvas size: 4200x3300 pixels
Brush: Custom-made paint brush (Krita RGBa)
Program: Krita 
Reference: Multiple

Earlier in the summer one of my cousin's daughters (Maddy) tragically sought to take her own life. Doctors fought to keep her with us. Many prayers were raised to the God of the universe. After all of this, God took her home and she passed out of this life. I would describe what led up to this, but her mother gives a far better description of Maddy's life and some of the struggles she endured that led to the series of events that resulted in her passing. You can read about that on her blog here.

I will only say this much about the passing of Maddy: As is the case with all of Heavenly Father's children, she was subject to all the vicissitudes of this life. That included her DNA, her circumstances and the choices she made. She was an incredibly complex beautiful soul. I am in no way qualified to judge her. Nor do I judge God as to why she was taken from us so young. His will be done in all things, and I have no doubt Maddy is safe and loved beyond anything we can comprehend in this life. When it comes down to it that is core reason for my attempt to illustrate Maddy in the arms of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. His love and power are infinite. God the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit have never let me down; they will take care of her and be there with her on her eternal journey.

The following is a glimpse into the process and struggles I experienced in digitally painting this illustration. Read on if you would like to know more

Friday, August 2, 2024

Vanilla Sky, a Digital Painting

Finished digital painting.


Canvas size: 4200x3300 pixels
Brush: Custom-made paint brush (Krita RGBa)
Program: Krita 
Reference: Photo taken by me

I snapped the reference photo for one of my wife's pet geckos in March of this year. I loved the look, lighting and pose so much, I decided to paint this as an exercise. As I progressed I decided to execute a fully rendered digital painting

Reference Photo of Vanilla Sky
Reference Photo of Vanilla Sky

As always using Krita and the custom brushes within the program are amazing. The interactive feel, that balances smudging and applying paint all within the same stroke, feels so natural and intuitive.

Below are a few detail images at 100% zoom.

Detail at 100% zoom

Detail at 100% zoom

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mountain View Corridor and the Mitt Romney Visit

Couple months ago, Mitt Romney came for a visit to check out the pieces of military property that needed to be transferred into state hands so they can finish building the MountainView Corridor. I was asked to generate a couple maps to make clear what is being proposed. Went through multiple revisions. Used Adobe Illustrator to produce these. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Digital Painting - Crane

Well, what can I say. I took an overly long break from posting on my blog. Well, time to dust off the good ole keyboard and make a new beginning. Over that past six years I have engaged in a ton of graphics for the Public Engagement department for Horrocks. While I find the work useful to the communities in which we serve, the creativity factor is lacking greatly. I do a ton of maps, signs, flyers and other collateral for various civil and transportation projects.

I will only post on such things if there is some kind of interest beyond the norm. No, here in this blog I wish to share an ongoing chronicle of creative dabbling's, and ongoing projects. I like to share what I learn. I will also share, from time to time, my inner mind, thoughts and feelings.

The following digital painting exercise was completed in about four to six hours, over a couple month period. Keep in mind I do this as a hobby on the side. Being a working father and husband my time to indulge in this is limited. Have to spread things out.

Overall, I'm happy with the final result of this painting. While Affinity photo isn't the absolute best tool for digital painting, it can produce excellent results.

Detail of the head area of the Crane
Detail of the head and Neck of the Crane

Detail of the Wing area

Detail of the Feet.

View of the workspace with photo reference on the left.

Final digital painting of the Crane

Christmas Newsletter Illustration, 2024

Deciding on what exactly to do this year proved a difficult decision for me. In years gone by the imagery flowed with greater ease, or I alr...

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