Saturday, October 18, 2014

Facebook and Marriage: a photo illustration

Had the opportunity a little over a week ago to produce this photo illustration for the main Editorial story for the Sunday edition of the Deseret News written by Scott Taylor.

The process

Image of the couple came from Facebook logo was procured from Used Photoshop as the editing tool to produce the final image. To create the tear I selected the entire photo. Then used the polygonal lasso tool to deselect half the image, producing the jagged tear. Then I cut and pasted the selected half the image into a new layer.

After this I used the dodge and burn tools to produce the subtle tear effect, rotated the two halves and applied a drop shadow.

The Facebook logo was inserted in between. Also created a pattern in for the background using the single-letter version of their logo

I wanted to use a chefs knife in this, but realized that wouldn't fit in with the way the photo is torn.

Message of the Editorial

The primary message of the story revolves around couple's use of Facebook and how misusing it can effect marriages in negative ways. I essentially agree with the author; Facebook is a tool of communication and news. If used improperly the consequences can be harmful. My wife and I reduce the risks and potential for harm by sharing a single account. When I want people to know it is me speaking I sign my name at the end of the post (Most of the time).

I share most everything with my wife

Not only do we share Facebook, but nearly every online account we have. Access and complete disclosure is a huge part of our relationship on or off the computer. My father said one time, "All the love in the world isn't worth a nickel if you can't trust each other." As the years have rolled passed I have come to realize trust, and truthfulness are a very huge part of what it means to love another person. A person who can't trust a spouse with passwords to online accounts, is hiding something from that spouse, and is in my opinion, walking down a dangerous path to an eventual break-up.

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